November Beauty Haul | Love Local on Beauty MNL
What a time to be alive today! I love shopping but I'm so used to purchasing in physical stores/boutiques because honestly I wasn't that comfortable to buy online not until today. Working a 9 to 6 job tends to take so much of my time and energy that visiting the mall became very tedious work for me. Now here comes BeautyMNL in the scene making it easier for me to get a glimpse of the products I badly need in my life! With encouragement from my high school friend, Iris, who has recently purchased in this website and assured me that they guarantee a hassle-free and customer centric service it gave me the ultimate go signal to try it out.
I opted for local brands because it is one of the alluring feature of the website offering us a wide range of local brands we can patronize. Plus points for supporting local! I love local products because 1.) They are actually cheaper, 2.) The effectiveness of some products is the same as foreign brands, 3.) Support to Filipino businesses!
My way to go mode of payment is usually cash on delivery. I'm just too lazy to go down our building and cross the street and fall in line to deposit in the bank. I do have a prepaid credit card but I don't have enough money loaded in it and I have to go to the mall just to load it. So yeah, thank you beautymnl for giving an option to my laziness haha.
Here are close-up photos of my purchases and their labels so you can get a glimpse of the ingredients. I personally am very conscious of ingredients so this become sort of a habit. I even google ingredients that are not familiar with me or those that sound to chemical-ish for me.
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I apologize! Took this photo when it's already half way used hahaha. Take note of the whipped cream consistency! |
There you go! I'll be doing individual reviews for each product on my blog soon so stay tuned! 💓
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